
Up about 8:45.
Exercise. Form notes, 5 songs — didn’t want to get started on other tasks too late.
Walk, worked 10:30-1, sent a graf to a group of readers - answered a couple of replies.
Helped Bree get a stew started.
Took another walk around 4, ran into Laura C., talked from a distance for a bit.
Helped Bree draft an email to bldg. president about kids in the laundry room.
Worked on next graf. Wrote another 100 words from a prompt.
Read Ted and Wendy’s poems. Not sure when we’re chatting.
Form notes, last 6 songs of current disc.
Watched more poetry vids from Rob’s site.
2 LEAR poems.
Evening - nothing worth noting. Went to bed about 12:30.


Up 7:30. Read/watched CV news (and an LRB article about Mark Fisher) until about 8:40.
Did a 5 min. exercise routine (it’s supposed to ramp up weekly) during a CNN segment.
Form notes, 10 r&b songs.
Made Coffee. Walk.
Worked 10:30-12:30, w/ the same results. So I spent a while crafting an email to selected friends colleagues to see if they’d mind a 250 passage in their inbox each day. Also tracked down some refs from an earlier passage. Seems like that took until 2:30.
FaceTimed w/ Evan Kindley and his daughter.
Watched one of Patrick Stewart’s sonnet videos. A little hard to hear, parse.
Watched a low-budget thriller, Million Dollar Weekend (Gene Raymond 1948), starring the director.
Was supposed to have a poetry meeting w/ Ted R. and Wendy E., but the latter was in the ER w/ a UTI.
Worked on the paragraph most of the evening. Settled on something. Wrote 100 words about something else from a prompt.
Lights out 12, dharma talk.
Didn’t read at all! (I don’t think I showered either.) No LEAR.


Up for an hr. Around 3:30. Up again 5:45. Checked Rite Aid for rubbing alchohol, they didn’t get any.
20+ p. Milne. Almost done, but I really dislike the last prose section.
Form notes 10 R&B songs - 1948, end of disc 3 (7 32-bar AABAs, most of any single disc so far), start of 4.
Watched 1st group of Rob McClennan’s poetry videos (he’s asked me to contribute)Watched performances of Beckett, “Rough for Theater I” and “Rockaby” from a group of 5 short plays, dir. Peter Brook. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUPAFt9JAhI&fbclid=IwAR3wPLge4SZmafWuo-_AEdaUQlyZsGiI_Faxk2TMyH9zqgVzGlwM23VeDP8
15 p. Clausen. 
Helped Bree fashion a new recycling receptacle. 
Took walk. Worked about noon-2:15. Ended up w/ the same length draft as when I started!
Put on a dumb Hammer horror movie, City of the Dead, and napped.
Some email. Figured out how to open a password protected tax document.
Helped Bree w/ recycling organization and laundry.
Took walk.
2 LEAR poems.
Listened to a couple of Fred Hersch’s livestreams from the last couple days. “Eronel,” “Upper Manhattan Medical Group,” an original called “Valentine.” Watched 2 more short Beckett plays (there was a wordless one in the middle I didn’t have patience for), and a TED talk about putting combinatorially generated melodies, ala the Library of Babel, into the p.d. to reduce infringements suits. Both interesting and smarmy.
Played a little Bach and Monk, both badly.
Finished the Milne, with annoyance.
Brought up the laundry.
Was about to watch Patrick Stewart’s Shakespeare readings w/ Bree when Dylan Hicks called — good to talk.
Texts from Jay S-G and my cousin Diane — people are hunkered down and starting to reach out (are starved for contact).
Never got back to Claussen today.
Lights out 12, dharma talk, but fell asleep quickly.

[This was the Brazilian gtr album, by Paulinho Nogueira and Toquino, that I couldn’t locate the other day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81DjBm0GZHY]


Out of bed about 4:30-6:30.
Went back to sleep, up at 9,
Cleared some email and download files.
Bree anxious about food safety.
Walk at 10:40. Listened to the last piece (“Copycat”) on the Carla Bley album.
Made coffee.
Worked from 11:45-1:30. Got to 750, so I felt ok stopping a little early. Would have preferred 10-noon; this is mostly a sleep issue.
Called dad. Same.
More discussion w/ Bree.
Form notes, 10 songs.
Last currently available jurisprudence episode. (Learning some basic positions, as I never took phil. of law in grad school.)
25 p. Claussen.
Checked at Rite Aid about possible delivery w/ rubbing alcohol. Told to check around 9 pm.
Some email and browser tabs - got through Jody’s playlist of virus-pop (mainly hip-hop). Started getting really upset by the news of Trump’s promise - I see it as a threat - to relax work restrictions sooner than later or the sake of the economy. Until the spread of the virus is under control, it is suicide. Tweeted impotently.
2 LEAR poems. Added some things to our food delivery order - couldn’t get celery, oddly.
Learned that a jazz pianist, Mike Longo, who lived in my therapist’s building, died of the virus, at 83. He was known for a long association w/ Dizzy Gillespie. I’d been given his name to call for lessons, but never did. https://www.wbgo.org/post/mike-longo-prominent-jazz-pianist-known-his-tenure-dizzy-gillespie-dies-83#stream/0
Tried the Rite Aid - they hadn’t unpacked the shipment, didn’t know what they had. I’ll try at 6 am. Anyway, Bree says she doesn’t need hand sanitizer, just rubbing alcohol, so that’s one less thing to try to procure.
Played a couple of Bach inventions, twice each, badly. Improvised a little. First I’ve touched the piano since ‘true’ lockdown (which I date from Tuesday; this is a week.)
Finished 50 p. quota Claussen. Disturbed by connections between Adorno and Benjamin’s family/class backgrounds and my own.
20 p. Milne. A few minutes of The German Sisters.
Lights out a little after 11.


Up 6:30. Closed some tabs.
Finished reading Frédéric Döhl, “From Harmonic Style to Genre: The Early History (1890s-1940s) of the Uniquely American Musical Term Barbershop”
Listened to first episode of a lecture podcast on jurisprudence.
Farmer’s market. Open, w/ most vendors there, but one at a time social-distanced lines and no handling of food by customers. Got most of our usual weekly provisions.
Form notes, last 5 songs of 1947 set, and first 10 of disc 1 of 1948. 20 AABA in 1947, 12-bar otherwise ultra predominant (even fewer misc strophic and VC forms than in previous years.)
More jurisprudence; fell asleep until 1:30.
Grocery store, around 3. They’re letting groups of 10 people in at a time. This time, avocados and onions, but no lemons or carrots. 
Bridge, 4-6. Got over a 2 graf hump into the next one; 555 in the doc. In all, try to press ahead to 750 tomorrow. (Did interrupt for msging w/ Evan Kindley.)
Read to p. 30, Detlev Clausen, Theodor W. Adorno: One Last Genius (big translated biography, about 10 yrs old).
Took another walk.
Wrote to a h.s. friend who I recently heard has had health problems.
Called my cousin Tony in CA (who has family in Italy).
2 LEAR poems (short, from diff. notebook)
To p. 50 Clausen, 20 p. Milne.
Finally listened to Carla Bley Trio, Life Goes On.
Lights out midnight.