Up 7.
Ratliff, to p. 50. Had posted something in fb about an annoying quote a few pages in last night; Alex Abramovich asked me and Carl Wilson if we wanted to bat it around.
Exercised. Listened to 1/2 the R&B songs, had trouble w/ Excel.
Quick shower, first in days. Need to clean tub.
Worked 11-1. Sent graf.
After lunch, resumed Ratliff. Interrupted by grocery delivery (which it takes a long time to put away w/ precautions) and a nap I guess I needed, made to p. 100, but it got to be 5:30 pm. Felt like the afternoon got away.
Listened to Aorta s/t (1968 LP by a Rockford, IL psych band; gimmicky) and the 2nd side of Bobby Short.
Went back and did my form notes.
Read Bree some Ponge while she was prepping vegetables for me to cook. Had dinner together.
Watched the Isou to its midpoint. Strange (or not so strange) that for the avant-manifesto qualities, the v.o. narration eventually settles down to what seems to be an autobiographical account of a couple of Isou’s romances, w/ names changed and self-awareness. I barely remember what I read about the Lettrists in Lipstick Traces.
A couple of email responses. Printed out some documents for someone in the building w/o access to a printer.
Read more Ponge.
Read a couple of scary virus articles from the Atlantic. Lights out 12:30.