
Birthday; 52. Up at 8. Somewhat hard to get going. Managed to read 25 p. of How To Raise an Ox, but also napped off and on. Said hello to Bree’s mom on Zoom. Edited for an hour at 1. Had put a birthday post on Facebook - spend some time on replies/liking comments. Called dad around 2. Piano practice - scales, rhythm changes in F, “Dancers In Love.” Matt (HH drummer) called, hasn’t caught up in a while. Laura C. dropped by w/ some late Christmas baking, Bree and I chatted for while w/ her in the hall. Good too talk to people. Read a few more p. Ox, watched a few minutes of an Ida Lupino movie w/ Bree, ordered dinner from Louie’s. Sat 15 min - though interrupted by the delivery call. Ate w/ Bree, listened to disc one of a “mod” jazz comp - interesting vocal version of “Moanin’,” by coincidence. Laid low for a couple hrs, short walk outside, did the Wed. crossword. A few JA poems, 1 p. poetry. Forgot to take out trash. Lights out 11.