Up for a bit at 7 to put out water bottles for monthly delivery (and removal).
Went back to bed and slept off and on through a couple of podcasts - David Harvey, L&O.
Up 9, wrote down what happened last night for yesterday’s entry.
Coffee. Exercise. Form notes, 7 R&B songs (late start).
Walk. Brought in all the water bottles from hall, since delivery was contactless — ought to count it as an extra exercise session.
Worked 11:15 to 1. Not happy with it - didn’t send graf, may try to salvage it later. Tired.
Lunch. Round of calls — nurse at ER said my dad was sleeping, but had eaten breakfast and was “answering questions appropriately.” Nothing to do, really, until he’s released.
Read 100 p. Lethem, 3:30-5:30.
Talked to dad’s doctor - may have been low sodium. They are keeping him at the hospital, maybe 1-3 days; talked to the nurse, but I got cut off when they tried to transfer me to his room.
2nd walk, about 6 pm.
Worked for another hr plus, was able to send 2 grafs. Email exchange w/ Drew Gardner.
Had a bite after that.
Read a long article about the Marxist journal Endnotes in N+1. Explained some things (about other things I’ve read).
Wasted some time. No poetry.
Another round of calls w/ Anthony and Loretta. Decided to try to get the hospital again; a nurse is supposed to call me back, hasn’t as I’m writing this as 11:53. Read the rest of Trevino while waiting. I see the power of the style, am probably not getting all the ins and outs of the race section.
Nurse called 12:15 (9:15 there). Not as much new as I’d been led to think. Lights out after that.