Up before 7, but pretty tired - looked at a couple things online, went back to bed until 8:30.
Coffee, breakfast, 25 p. Ratliff (book gets better as it goes on).
Exercise; form notes 10 R&B songs. More verse-chorus (as opposed to strophic or AABA) songs start showing up in 1950.
Fit in another 10 p. each Ratliff and Ponge (also read some of latter last night) so I can finish both this afternoon.
Responded to an email — realized that a message about saving or scrapping the metal masters for Another had gotten buried for a few weeks, w/ a Thurs. deadline before they’d be recycled. Asked to have them shipped here. Hard to believe it will ever be repressed, but hard to just say - “destroy them.”
Tried to work from 11-1. Wrote a little, but felt like I needed to find something in Ripani, The New Blue Music, ended up reading the first 50 p. Instead (and didn’t find what I thought was there). Will need to go back to the paragraph tonight.
Lunch. Put Zoom on Bree’s laptop and discussed some deliveries in progress.
Finished Ratliff and Ponge.
Email, on both sides of a nap. Came out of that phase at 6.
Second walk, 6:30.
Went back to work until 8:30 — dumped most of what I wrote this morning and added to/fixed previous graf instead. Sent that.
Ate chicken soup and half a sweet potato with Bree.
Have also been trying to organize CDs in spare windows of time, or when playing records. Culled most of my classical music and alphabetized it. Also have a pile of “A”s. Unfortunately, there are a lot more discs (in boxes and stacks) than shelving, so I don’t know this will play out.
Listened to Lee Konitz Quartet, Ideal Scene, in memoriam.
Lights out 11:15.