
Up for a while around 4. Listened to the rest of Personalia.
Tried to go back to sleep. Woke up again at 9.
Coffee, breakfast, exercise, 4 R&B songs.
Wrote 11-1. Completed yesterday’s graf, sent.
Lunch. A little CD filing.
Read Brown until 3.
Worked on building notices, other home tasks.
Listened to Personalia again on headphones. Worthwhile - dense arrangements, odd structures (lot of dropped measures), interesting keyboard sounds and some terrific bass playing. Not sure where the case went. Sorted more CDs.
Worked on mixing notes (2P?) w/ break for 2nd walk. Getting closer - should plug in the drive w/ the ProTools tracks tomorrow to make sure it’s ready to send. (And probably copy everything for safety.)
Finished Brown. 10 p. Spaar.
Put on an LP of Fletcher Henderson sides, c. 1924-5, while preparing dinner w/ Bree.
After dinner, worked on “Hold the Flashlight” for 35 min or so. (P)
Went down a Cocteau Twins rabbit hole for half an hr. before bed. The read 10 more p. Spaar, which started sounding like Liz Fraser lyrics. Lights out just after midnight - dharma talk, but fell asleep quickly.