The opening words of the first chapter of Peau noire come directly from [Fanon’s] study of phenomenology: “I attach a fundamental importance to the phenomenon of language. Hence, I believe, the necessity of this study, which should provide us with one element that will help us to understand the for-others [pour autrui] dimension of the man of color.” The appeal of phenomenology was that…of all the philosophical discourses available to him in the late 1940s, this was the philosophy that could be best adapted to an analysis of his own ‘lived experience’. The classics of French phenomenology - Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenologie de la perception and Sartre’s L’Etre et le neant — are obviously not treatises on racism and anti-racism, but they provided tools that were much better suited to the analysis of ‘the lived experience of the black man’ than either Marxism or psychoanalysis.
— David Macey, Frantz Fanon, 126; pardon some missing diacritics
Up 7:30. Coffee, breakfast.
Played through the last couple of harmony exercises. Sent the page to Judith.
Finished Planisphere.
10 p. Fanon bio.
Eventually worked for 2 hrs. - really resisting attacking a couple of missing but important grafs.
Called dad around 2.
Walked to park, 30 p. Broven.
Pretty tired from mid-afternoon on.
Watched the rest of Chris Molphany’s “Old Town Road” presentation.
1 p. poetry notebook.
Took out recycling, short walk. Lights out before 11 - too tired to read in bed.