Better. Up before 8, Spelling Bee. Breakfast/coffee. Worked 9:30 until near 1; same passage, but a bit closer. Decided to ask a friend (who asked me to read a proposal recently) to look at it. Spent a while trying to list upcoming projects and commitments, and put them in Things. (I had listened to a David Allen talk that was a bit clarifying about -how much- to put into a system like that; anyway, I have too many loose ends to keep in my head, including a couple of requests to record piano parts on other people’s records at home.) Read about 15 p. of Carnap, Aufbau, and a piece on Goodman’s Structure of Appearance in the S.E.P., for Wednesday. Listened to a jazz piano lesson on swing/syncopation, did my practice session - chromatic scales, circle-of-fifths shell voicings, some rhythmic “sentences” to a metronome, soloed on ii/V and ii/v for a while. Answered several emails. Lights out 12:30.