Awake for a while around 5 am, listened to some radio drama. Got back to sleep, didn’t really get up until 10. Breakfast, coffee. Worked 12:30-4, sent section to Evan Kindley for feedback. Showered, watched Kim Mack’s IASPM Zoom talk, 5-6:15. Dealt w/ a couple of emails, orders, bills. Read remainder of assigned Carnap (Aufbau). Piano practice - pretty much the minimum, but getting better at the moment in two-handed chromatic scales where the hands don’t match. (Also play some blues in B major earlier, just as an exercise.) Listened to an associated swing/syncopation playlist (Oscar Peterson, Blakey, “Stolen Moments,” Bud Powell, Kenny Barron, Christian McBride), partly while working on to-do list in Things. 9 pm, put on a Zoom webinar/concert by Peter Curtis, an acquaintance who was at the bridge talk, on the Jewish Great American Songbook. Good guitarist! Had some interesting comments on the descending chromatic line in “Brother Can You Spare a Time?” Located a few books related to various projects (Foucault, logical empiricism) in my chaotic shelves; turned up Goodman’s Structure of Appearance, but not Problems & Projects (though I have a d/l of “Seven Strictures on Similarity”). 3 JA poems. Lights out between 11:30.
[On the quasi-political front, here is what I tweeted earlier today: “See the somewhat calming SCOTUS denial; then immediately read about Texas suing other states over their election procedures. It's not exactly that I'm such a staunch bourgeois electoralist, though I'm sure some friends would say I'm kidding myself. Yet I do seem to be the tottering state not crumbling in this particular way - not for *this* mf'er. It probably has less to do with "my politics" than my ethical/affective abreaction to people whose sense of self allows them to scream for what they want until they get it. I hate and envy them.”]