
Was up 5-7 am - had breakfast. Up for real 11. Coffee.
Started working on radio show at noon, finished assembling file at 3.
Took an hour break, made coffee.
Entered the playlist and filled out the log - just about exactly an hour. Listened to “John Tchchai * Strange Brothers” (1978), very Ornette-ish, w/ no chordal instruments. https://destination-out.bandcamp.com/album/john-tchicai-strange-brothers (That’s the bandcamp link; whole record’s also on YouTube).
Uploaded radio show to dropbox, send the email link later. One more to go.
Had last night’s leftovers. Remembered I told an extended family member on CA time I’d call today before 5.That took a while.
Mostly exhausted. Watched cooking and Zen videos. Added a couple of things to our grocery order. Spent a chunk of the evening just transferring links from open tabs to a different document so I could close the windows. Plan is to revisit 1 or 2 per day - and try not to open a ton more. Next project of this kind should be to deal with a ton of open pages in my phone browser.
Ordered a few more of those Ideal notebooks I like.
Took out trash and recycling, short walk outside (really, just hung around under a scaffold in the rain). Crossword, looked up more than usual. Listened to part of an interview w/ an Mel Weitsman, an American Zen master who died recently - of course, the guy also studied painting with Clifford Styll, and played early versions of In C with Terry Riley. These bohemians.
Email triage. Sat 15 min.
Lights out midnight.

Not much work outside of the radio show, which needed to get done.

Couldn’t get to sleep; got up, wrote my 1 p. poem, read 12 p. Ashbery. Listened to an old Philip Marlowe radio episode. Got to sleep after 2.